

The United Nations General Assembly passed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1979. It is an international treaty that comprises of a preamble and 30 articles. This treaty defines what constitutes discrimination against women and lays out a plan for national action to put an end to it. When a country ratifies this Convention, it is legally obligated to implement its terms. Furthermore, the ratifying state agrees to produce national reports on the steps it has taken to comply with treaty commitments. Article 10 of this convention addresses women's educational rights. It requires states to offer equal educational opportunities to men and women. Females must have equal access to education, including schools, curricula, scholarships, vocational training, and other resources. There should be no gender stereotypes, and women should be encouraged and supported to pursue higher education. Rural women should have access to the same ed


Child marriage is most widespread among girls in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. One-third of females in developing countries marry before the age of 18, and one in every nine marry before the age of 15. Asia accounts for nearly half (42%) of all child brides worldwide. While there are signs of improvement in reducing child marriages around the world, it is not occurring quickly enough. Approximately 280 million girls are at risk of becoming child brides today, and if nothing is done, this figure could climb to 320 million by 2050. Child marriages are a violation of human rights Child marriage takes away a girl’s right to a safe and healthy childhood, a quality and complete education that can lead to decent economic opportunities, and social and political empowerment. Pakistan has the 6th highest number of girls married before the age of 18 in the world. According to UNICEF, a child marriage is a formal or informal union before the age of 18. According to 2014 UNICEF statistics, 700


From 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons in 2015, plastic production expanded dramatically. By 2050, production is anticipated to double. As the world's capacity to deal with the fast rising output of disposable plastic goods becomes overwhelmed, plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most urgent environmental challenges . Why are plastics a threat? They take hundreds of years to decompose. Plastics frequently contain additives to make them more resilient, flexible, and strong. However, many of these compounds can lengthen the lives of products if they wind up in waste; some estimates place the break-down time of these additives at at least 400 years. Most plastic trash ends up in the oceans. In impoverished Asian and African countries, where rubbish collection services are either ineffective or nonexistent, plastic pollution is most noticeable. However, the industrialized world also has issues with adequately collecting used plastics, particularly in

Waste to energy power plants in Pakistan

Pakistan generates approximately 49.6 million tons of solid waste per year, which is increasing at a rate of more than 2.4 percent per year. Pakistan, like other developing countries, lacks waste management infrastructure, resulting in serious environmental issues. The majority of Pakistan's solid waste never makes it to final disposal facilities. Most of the solid waste produced in affluent nations is sent to landfills, incinerators, or other recycling facilities. Before any waste ever reaches disposal facilities in Pakistan, a large portion of it is recovered for recycling, primarily by scavengers. There is a need for environmentally friendly power plants in Pakistan! The development of environmentally friendly power plants is urgently needed in light of climate change and would make it possible to combat smog and environmental pollution . In addition to providing employment opportunities and billions of rupees in investment, the project will help the general public solve the

The geography of Pakistan makes it more vulnerable to climate change

Pakistan has often been listed as a nation most negatively impacted by climate change. Climate impacts, such as flash floods caused by glacial melt, increased heat waves, water scarcity, rising sea levels, food shortages, and relocation, are already having a negative impact on our people in many sections of the country. The recent flooding that devastated the lives of millions was the most visible manifestation of climate change in the country! Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to its geographic location, despite producing less than 1% of global carbon emissions. Pakistan ranked 152 on the UNDP's climate vulnerability index in 2019 and the situation worsened in the years that followed. The geographical factors 1.      Weather patterns Pakistan is located in a region of the world that is subjected to the full force of two major weather systems. One can cause drought and high temperatures, such as the 2022 March heat wave, while the other can bring mo


A British diplomat once remarked, “Foreign policy is what you do and diplomacy is how you do it.” This line pretty much sums up the difference between the two. Diplomacy and foreign policy are not one or the same things. They have completely different meanings and functions. Foreign policy is a part of national policy of a state and diplomacy is a method or a way to carry out the foreign policy. WHAT IS FOREIGN POLICY? A foreign policy is designed by a state for foreign interaction. It is the course of action a state adopts with other states. A Foreign policy is always shaped keeping in mind the national interests of a state. International relations are influenced by foreign policies. TOOLS OF FOREIGN POLICY Diplomacy is a tool of foreign policy that involves negotiation and dialogue . Other methods of foreign policy which a state may use are: ·        Isolationism : This method isolates a state from rest of the world and it does not take an active part in international af


The world is facing several  sustainable development issues,  and p opulation growth  is a major part of the problem. A POPULATION The number of same-specie organisms living in a particular geographic area at a particular time is known as a population. When these organisms reproduce and increase, then it is termed as "population growth".    3 DETERMINANTS OF POPULATION GROWTH Population growth is determined by  fertility , mortality , and migration .   *fertility is the occurrence of live births among a population *mortality describes the number of deaths among a population *migration is the movement of population from one place to another   SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sustainable development revolves around making our world a better place for us without depleting the resource available for future generations. We want social and economic development, but at the same time, we have to conserve environment and fight climate change. The preservation of natural